Kids Unplugged recognizes not all children encounter the same challenges. For this reason, we have specialists to work with children and young adults struggling with Anxiety, Depression, Anger and Grief using therapy techniques including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) & Mindfullness.
Kids Unplugged recognizes not all children encounter the same challenges. For this reason, we have specialists to work with children and young adults struggling with Anxiety, Depression, Anger and Grief using therapy techniques including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) & Mindfullness.
Kids Unplugged recognizes not all children encounter the same challenges. For this reason, we have specialists to work with children and young adults struggling with Anxiety, Depression, Anger and Grief using therapy techniques including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) & Mindfullness.

Essential Services Across Youth Development
Funding Options for Families
Government Sources
Ministry Of Health Assistive Devices Program (ADP)
75% of the cost of some therapy equipment, up to a pre-set maximum, is covered under the Assistive Devices Program. The remaining 25% is the responsibility of the family.
When the family requires assistance to pay for this remaining 25%, or when ADP does not cover equipment, there may be some additional resources that can provide assistance. (e.g. ACSD, Ontario Works, Easter Seals Society).
Referral process through clinical prescriber/authorizer or authorized ADP Clinic
Your Service Coordinator, Family Support Worker, or Social Worker can provide you with more information.
Toll Free: 1-800-268-6021
Assistance To Children With Severe Disabilities (ACSD): Ministry Of Community And Social Services
Government funding to help cover the additional costs of having a child with special needs live at home.
Eligible families can receive up to $420.00 per month depending on their income and the child’s needs.
Only begins after a child has been discharged home.
Self referral accepted.
Your Social Worker or Service Coordinator can provide you with more information.
Toll Free: 1-877-832-2818 Ext. 341
Children First – Helping Families Afford The School Of Their Choice
Phone: (416) 924-8881 or Toll Free: 1-866-924-8881
Ministry of Health Dental Assistance Funding
Provides 75% dental funding assistance to residents of Ontario up to 22 years of age with severe congenital and acquired dental dysfunction.
Clients must register with one of the 9 regional Cleft Lip and Palate/Craniofacial Dental programs across the province and be seen by the team to determine eligibility for this funding.
For more information contact Bloorview Kids Rehab: cleft lip and palate program, at 416-425-6220 ext. 3465.
Northern Travel Grant
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care funding to individuals living in Northern Ontario who need to travel 100 kilometers, or more, to a specialist.
Contact your Social Worker or Service Coordinator or call directly 416-314-5518 or 1-800-268-1154.
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
This program is for qualifying adults 18 and over.
Provides income support (monthly allowance, subsidized insurance, drug coverage, basic dental care, eyeglasses, and hearing aids).
Employment support is also available if needed.
Self referral accepted.
Your Service Coordinator or Social Worker can provide you with more information.
Toll Free: 1-800-875-6213
Ontario Works
Financial Support for Families in need.
Funding through Ontario Assistive Device Program
Toll Free: 1-888-256-1112
Trillium Drug Program
The Trillium Drug Program is for residents of Ontario who spend a large part of their income on prescription medications. Once a certain amount of money has been spent by a family the government begins to provide financial assistance.
For more information contact your Service Coordinator or Social Worker or call the Program at (416)-642-3038 or 1 (800) 575-5386.
Tax Credits
Child Disability Benefit
Government of Canada income benefit for children with severe and prolonged disabilities for families with low and modest income. The Child Disability Benefit is a tax-free benefit, a supplement to the Canada Child Tax Benefit payments of up to $2,000 per year for families with eligible children under the age of 18.
For more information, call 1-800-387-1193.
Forms are available from
Disability Tax Credit
The disability amount is a non-refundable tax credit that reduces the amount of income tax you have to pay.
Eligibility criteria changed in 2005; check for eligibility requirements now.
Information brochure available at
Form T2201. This form is available on the web at or at any tax services office listed in the government section of telephone books.
May delay tax refund up to 6 months. Send form in well ahead of April 30th tax deadlines if possible.
A family can have their tax situation reviewed for the past number of years if they did not, for whatever reason, apply in a given year.
Medical Expenses
Many expenses, directly related to a disability, which families pay for (such as mobility aids, ramps, accessibility renovations etc.) may be claimed as medical expenses on one’s tax return.
Motor Vehicle Gasoline Rebate
The federal government offers a rebate on tax on gas for vehicles, which are used to transport physically challenged individuals.
Must live in an area where public transportation is inaccessible to qualify.
To request an application call 1-800-959-8281 and ask for XE8 Application for Refund of Federal Excise Tax on Gasoline.
Provincial Sales Tax Rebate For Vehicles
Those who qualify are eligible for a tax rebate for vehicles and vehicle modification used to transport children with permanent disability.
Call The Ministry of Finance, Retail Sales Tax Branch to obtain the form and instructions. (416) 222-3226
Government Support
Community Care Access Centres (CCAC)
CCAC provides services such as nursing, occupational therapy and speech therapy at a client’s home/school once a client is discharged from hospital.
Personal care supports in one’s home may also be available.
The amount of hours of care provided each week varies depending on a client’s needs and the availability of staff.
Enhanced respite may be provided by CCAC to qualifying clients; this can be used to pay for additional nursing or support personnel. (Up to a maximum of $3500 )
CCAC often supplies a drug card to a family while their services are being utilized.
Self referral accepted.
Contact your Social Worker or Service Coordinator for more information.
Call Children’s Treatment Network Single Access Number at 1 (866) 377-0286.
Special Services At Home Program (SSAH): Ministry Of Community And Social Services
Provides families of children with physical and intellectual disabilities and adults with intellectual disabilities with a pre-arranged annual contract to arrange for in-home/in-community parent relief and skill development.
Based on the needs of the individuals and their families.
Caregivers hired through these funds cannot be a relative.
Application is required, Self referral.
Contact your Service Coordinator or Social Worker for more information.
Respite Care
Contact your Social Worker or Service Coordinator for more information. There are options for in-home as well as out of the home.
For York Region listings of respite care options, contact also
York Support Services Network and the CHAP Program (Community Helpers for Active Participation)
Kerry’s Place Respite Funding Application call 905-713-6808 Ext. 360 or email
Visit and chose your area for details.
Private/ Employee Insurance
Many families have private insurance, which will cover such items as drugs, equipment and nursing care. Your policy booklet will provide information on what types of areas will be funded.
Third Party/Non-Profit Orcanizations As Possible Funding Sources
War Amps And CHAMPS
Program provides financial assistance for artificial limbs and various recreational devices as well as emotional support through programs to persons who are missing a limb or limbs as a result of an accident, medical reasons, or congenital amputations.
To be enrolled in the CHAMP Program, children must be under the age of 18, born missing a limb or limbs or have lost a limb due to an accident or medical causes.
Over 18 years of age, individuals may access the War Amps programme.
Toll Free: 1-800-250-3030
Easter Seals Ontario
Eligibility: Clients up to 19 with physical disabilities that impairs/impact on mobility and registered with Easter Seals Ontario.
Provide Equipment funding for costs not covered by ADP, family resources and private insurance. See website for detailed list of items eligible for funding: “Approved Listing of Equipment, Services & Programs for Funding & Criteria”. This includes accessibility aids, bath & toileting aids, communication and writing aids, mobility aids, orthotics, camp. Funding is dependent on availability of funds. Submissions of applications (see website) is January 1 to September 30 annually. Request for Financial Assistance must be submitted prior to the equipment/items being ordered.
Contact your Service Coordinator or Social Worker or contact Easter Seals at 416-421-8377 or Toll Free at 1-800-668-6252.
Jennifer Ashleigh Children’s Charity
Provides financial assistance to qualifying families.
Assist children who are seriously ill, have a permanent disability, are 21 years of age or under and whose permanent residence is in Ontario. Family income impacts on assistance decisions.
Will consider requests for assistance in the following areas as they are related to the child’s illness:
Emergency financial relief
Respite for a pre-determined period of time
Developmental therapies (excluding Hyperbaric Oxygen, ABA, IBI or RDI therapy)
Educational programs, materials, instruction
Specially adapted computer equipment and software
Medical treatments not covered by government health plans or insurance
Recreation that promotes a child’s involvement in the community
Call (905) 852-1799 and ask for a Request for Assistance form. The form may be completed by the child’s parent, physician, therapist, social worker, teacher or community liaison.
The Ontario March Of Dimes – Assistive Device Program (ADP)
Provides funding for adults with physical disabilities 19 years of age and older who are in financial need to purchase assistive devices to increase their mobility and functional independence. Their priority is to provide funding for devices that will: Assist adults with disabilities that restrict their mobility and prevent them from living safely in their homes; enable discharge from a hospital or rehabilitation centre; help avoid job loss; and support opportunities for participation in educational, developmental and community activities.
Toll Free: 1-866-765-7237
The Home & Vehicle Modification Program (HVMP)
Funded by the Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) and administered by March of Dimes.
HVMP provides funding for basic home and/or vehicle modifications. By reducing or eliminating life safety risks, these modifications enable children and adults with mobility restrictions to continue living in their homes, avoid job loss, and participate in their communities.
Consumers who meet program criteria can apply for grant funding:
Up to $15,000 lifetime maximum for home modifications
Up to $15,000 every ten years for vehicle modifications
Toll Free: 1-877-369-4867, press “2” to speak with an Intake Counselor
Medic Alert
Free membership and subsidy for cost of MedicAlert bracelet if financial assistance form completed by social worker.
Toll Free: 1-800-668-1507
Give A Miracle A Chance
Give A Miracle A Chance (G.A.M.E.) supports children living with the challenges of Cerebral Palsy.
Their two funding streams are financial assistance and life management therapy. To apply for assistance applications can be located on our website or by contacting their Family Liaison Director Linda Hobbs at 416-603-9991, Option 4 or Toll Free at 1-877-603-9991.
For further details of the therapies they support and contact information please visit their website:
Other Funding Sources
A Child’s Voice Foundation
Financial assistance for low income families, immigrant families, and families with special needs children
May provide equipment not funded by Ontario Assistive Devices Program (ADP)
905-275-3434 or Toll Free: 1-888-837-3354
President’s Choice Children’s Charity
(905) 459-2500 ext. 3625 or Toll Free: 1-877-525-4762
Georgina Cares
Resource for Georgina residents only
Service Clubs
There are a number of services clubs actively involved in local communities. More information about such clubs may be found on notice boards at neighbourhood libraries and community centres, as well as in local community newspapers and newsletters.
Contact person changes yearly. It is best to check the websites or local telephone directory for local listings or community information listings to get a recent number.
The following are a sampling of service clubs, which may be active in your area.
Fraternal Order of Eagles 416 – 597 – 0242
Independent Order of Foresters 416 – 419 – 3000
Kinsmen-Central Association of Kinsmen Clubs 1-519 – 653-1920
The Kiwanis Club of Toronto Foundation 416 – 921 – 1297
Lions Club 416 – 698 – 9300
Rotary Club of Toronto Charitable Foundation 416 – 363 – 0604
Showman’s League of America 416 – 979 – 2031
Toronto Knights of Columbus Council 416 – 922 – 2114
Your local MPP ‘s constituency office staff may be able to provide assistance to research other local service clubs and sources of funding.
Many groups associated with unions and associations of specific companies and foundations may have a fund directed to assist employees. Check at your workplace.
With Granting
The Children’s Wish Foundation Of Canada
Children must be 3 years of age to 18 years before the time the request is received. They must be legal residents of Canada and have an illness, which is categorized as a high risk, life-threatening condition.
This foundation is dedicated to fulfilling a favorite wish for children afflicted with a high risk, life-threatening illness; i.e. arranging a trip to some far away destination, providing a customized computer for the child with special needs, tracking down a favorite celebrity, or simply finding exactly the right puppy, all are given equal care and consideration.
Contact the Ontario Chapter directly at 1-800-267-WISH or (905) 831-9474
Make A Wish Foundation
Any child aged 3 through, and including, 17-years-old with a life-threatening illness may be eligible this organization to grant them their wish. Wishes may be to go somewhere, be something, meet someone or have something.
For more information contact your Social Worker
Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada
Wishes are granted to children between the ages of 4-18 who are seriously ill.
For more information contact your Social Worker
(905) 752-7827 or 1-800-880-1004
The Sunshine Foundation
Anyone can refer a child by completing and submitting a referral found at the website. The form seeks only basic information about the child: name, diagnosis, age, and home contact information. Once Sunshine receives the Request, someone contacts the child’s family.
The Individual Dream Application gathers more detailed information about the child, his or her diagnosis and Dream. In addition, the child’s physician must fill in parts of the Individual Dream Application.
March Break Reimbursement Fund
For information click on this link: MARCH BREAK REIMBURSEMENT FUND